Meet Habiba Sinare The Star Girl in “AMA”, A Movie Produced By Umar Krupp


Habiba Sinare one of the leading characters in AMAThemovie a younger sister to Jibrael.

Habiba played a very vital role in AMAThemovie. She was a very close friend of Ama, and got pregnant for one of the men who mostly visits them.


In the process of her escaping with AMA she died, and what happens next?

The movie has almost all the stars in the Ghanaian Movie Industry with old and new faces featured.

AMAThemovie has the likes of Van Vicker, Umar Krupp, Albert Kuvodu, Moesha Budong, Fella Makafui, Jessica Williams, Anthony wood, Esi Hammond, Qwesi Blay Jnr, Rosemond Brown etc, with direction credit to Kyie Baffour and produced by Umar Krupp

“Ama” set to hit the cinemas by January 2020 

Check out the pictures:

Kwame Agyei (Cue)

Blogger, Digital Marketer & Med. Practitioner. Proud African reader, lover of nature and poetry. Blogging chose me unaware and I inked the contract with love.

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