PHOTOS: MTN Hitmaker Finalist, Abusuapanin Chiki Secretly Marries?

Photos of a secret marriage ceremony of Ghanaian rapper Abusuapanin Chiki has been received through one of our media sources.

Unconfirmed report suggests the marriage ceremony happened over the weekend at an unknown location in the Ashanti region.


But in a period of many unrealistic pictures making social media buzz, we cannot confidently confirm this news of marriage or otherwise a music video, since efforts to reach artiste has proven futile.

Abusuapanin Chiki remains one of Kumasi’s celebrated rappers, always gracing the microphone with his apt lyricism.

Below are some photos we chanced on.

Kwame Agyei (Cue)

Blogger, Digital Marketer & Med. Practitioner. Proud African reader, lover of nature and poetry. Blogging chose me unaware and I inked the contract with love.

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