Sad! Colleague Musicians Used Juju to Break Me Down, King Paluta Reveals

King Paluta

After signing his first major music record deal, the exuberant King Paluta to the surprise of many music lovers suddenly turned mute.

Allies and fans became extremely agitated with many unanswered questions to the silence from the music talent, both on social media and his music label.

The rapper whose signing was a feather in his cup and undoubtedly the jump-off to his breakthrough, coupled with hit singles including “Meet Me There”, “Circle Circle” among others, was ready to take Ghana music industry by storm until the unexpected happened. King Paluta has finally revealed the story behind his almost 6months silence.

In a hiphop single titled “Full of Evil” released a week ago, King Paluta diclosed his colleague musicians used juju to break him down after his record label signing and narrates the story to his recovery as well.

The rap talent is known for being witty and comical with verses but confirms his verse this time is a real life situation and from within.
Listen to song HERE

Kwame Agyei (Cue)

Clinician, Blogger & Digital Marketer. Proud African reader and lover of nature. Blogging chose me unaware and I inked the contract with love.

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