New Music: Lennon – “Dadie Anoma” feat. Kurl Songx

Cover Art: Lennon – Dadie Anoma

DOWNLOAD MP3: Lennon – Dadie Anoma ft. Kurl Songsx

Lennon Music’s very own, Lennon has released a classic song titled “Dadie Anoma” featuring Kurl Songx.
“Dadie Anoma” is a love song with a touch of class, having Highly Spiritual frontliner Kurl Songx blessing it with his silky voice.
Song naturally elicit interest on first listening, and puts you in the mood for reptition with a neutral blend of great vocals and simplified rap lines.
DatBeatGod is on the production frontline of this dope tune. Enjoy song below and hit the share button.


Kwame Agyei (Cue)

Blogger, Digital Marketer & Med. Practitioner. Proud African reader, lover of nature and poetry. Blogging chose me unaware and I inked the contract with love.

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