New Music: Pracash – “One Ghana Shoe”

Pracash – One Ghana Shoe

Here comes another brand new tune from the camp of Pracash. 

“One Ghana Shoe” is the new vibe in town speaking against wrong deeds and ecouraging all to be content with what they have. 
Great message to the youth to get focused to work and push in much effort for success.

Babylon People wah leh watch me alright, Me no worry about ma one Gh shoe
Ghetto youth …..dont be stubborn…..
Wow this is real Raggae, update your playlist today. One Ghana is already enjoying airplays in some part of Jamaica and Ghana.
Stream or Download below to listen.


Kwame Agyei (Cue)

Blogger, Digital Marketer & Med. Practitioner. Proud African reader, lover of nature and poetry. Blogging chose me unaware and I inked the contract with love.

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