New Music: 1FDK – “Ebefa”

It gets to a point is life when man becomes hopeless and helpless in difficulties. Who exactly will be ready to give a helping hand? In times of trouble like such everyone will put his/her ear in the deaf mode. We pray to God to help us to live the best of life man deserves.
The music man, 1FDK is not leaving his fans in stress and depression caused by our daily problems. The talented singer/rapper shares a brand new song for all his fans entitled ‘EBEFA’ (It Shall Be Well). The song aims at encouraging people to go on with whatever they are dreaming of; they should keep up with the commitment, dedication and hard work and surely everything they dream to achieve or become may definitely see the light.
A very mastered song from the camp of 1FDK, kindly check the song below, download and enjoy good music.
1FDK – Ebefa