Video: Skonti – “Fall” feat. Prince Bright

Ghanaian Hip-Hop act and record producer, Skonti drops his latest single ‘Fall’ taken off his upcoming album together with a spanking new video, handing fans the complete experience. This time around he recruits Prince Bright of Buk Bak fame to set the ball rolling. Listen to ‘Fall’ here:
‘Fall’ is a self-produced Skonti record, flavoured with bursts of fine vocals from Prince Bright. It is fuelled by tons of expressive lyrics, all of which revel in the fancy promises and one-liners we’ve come to expect from songs of this caliber.
Skonti’s new 4-minute short film is directed by SP – who’s handy camerawork keeps things interesting for the most part. Scenes are crisp, bright and vivid, with no shortage of pretty girls or grandeur. ‘Fall’ is another solid effort from Skonti, one bound to keep music lovers entertained for weeks on end.
Get a glimpse of all the opulence for yourself in the ‘Fall’ music video linked below.
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Twitter: @skontigh
Facebook: Quedwo Skonti